DBMS MCQ in Hindi

कंप्यूटर परीक्षा और प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में सर्वाधिक पूछे जाने वाले DBMS के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उनके उत्तर – Top DBMS MCQs for Competitive Exams.

Database Management Systems (DBMS) – MCQ

1. DBMS का पूर्ण रूप __ है।

a) डाटा बाइनरी मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम

b) डेटाबेस मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम

c) डाटा बैकअप एंड माइग्रेशन सिस्टम

d) डिजिटल बिज़नेस मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम

Answer: b) डेटाबेस मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम

2. ओरेकल (Oracle) है?

a) एक प्रचालन तंत्र

b) एक हार्डवेयर

c) एक डेटाबेस सॉफ्टवेयर

d) एक डेटाबेस सॉफ्टवेयर

Answer: d) एक डेटाबेस सॉफ्टवेयर

3. एक ही डाटा को कई जगहों पर सेव (Save) करना कहलाता है –

a) इंटरैक्शन

b) कंकरेन्सी

c) रीडंडेन्सी (Redundency)

d) इन्युमरेशन

Answer: c) रीडंडेन्सी (Redundency)

4. एक डेटाबेस में फील्ड (field) होती है –

a) लेवल

b) सुचना की तालिका

c) सम्बंधित रिकार्ड्स का समूह

d) जानकारी की श्रेणी

Answer: d) जानकारी की श्रेणी

5. कम्प्यूटर एप्लिकेशन बनाने के लिए प्रयुक्त डीबीएमएस (DBMS) है—

(a) डाटा बेस मशीन सिस्टम

(b) डाटा बेस मेन्टिनेंस सिस्टम

(c) डाटा बेस मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम

(d) डाटा बेस माइक्रो सिस्टम

Ans. (c)

6. निम्न में से कौन डाटा को छोटे से बड़े के हिसाब से प्रदर्शित करता है-

(a) बिट, बाइट, कैरेक्टर, फील्ड, रिकॉर्ड, फाइल, डाटा बेस

(b) कैरेक्टर, फाइल, रिकॉर्ड, फील्ड, डाटाबेस

(c) कैरेक्टर, रिकॉर्ड, फील्ड, फाइल, डाटाबेस

(d) कैरेक्टर, फील्ड, फाइल, रिकॉर्ड, डाटाबेस

Ans. (a)

7. डाटा बेस में प्राइमरी की (Primary Key) का उद्देश्य है—

(a) डाटा बेस को अनलॉक करना

(b) डाटा बेस को मैप उपलब्ध कराना

(c) डाटा बेस ऑपरेशन पर बाधाएं लगाना

(d) रिकॉर्ड का यूनिक ढंग से पहचान करना

Ans. (d)

8. निम्नलिखित में से किसमें व्यक्ति, स्थान, घटना या चीज जैसी सिंगल एंटिटी संबंधी जानकारी डाटा बेस में होती है?

(a) क्वेरी

(b) फार्म

(c) रिकॉर्ड

(d) टेबल

Ans. (c)

9. ………………… का अर्थ है कि डाटाबेस में रखा डाटा एक्यूरेट और रिलायबल है—

(a) डाटा रिडण्डेंसी

(b) डाटा इंटिग्रिटी

(c) डाटा रिलायबलिटी

(d) डाटा कन्सिसटेन्सी

Ans. (b)

10. डाटा बेस मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम (DBMS) होता है-

(a) डाटा बेस को क्रिएट, मेंटेन और कंट्रोल्ड एक्सेस उपलब्ध कराने के लिए प्रयुक्त हार्डवेयर

(b) डाटा बेस को क्रिएट, मेंटेन और अनकंट्रोल्ड एक्सेस उपलब्ध कराने के लिए प्रयुक्त हार्डवेयर

(c) डाटा बेस को क्रिएट, मेंटेन और कंट्रोल्ड एक्सेस उपलब्ध कराने के लिए प्रयुक्त साफ्टवेयर

(d) डाटा बेस को क्रिएट, मेंटेन और अनकंट्रोल्ड एक्सेस उपलब्ध कराने के लिए प्रयुक्त साफ्टवेयर

Ans. (c)

11. इनफार्मेशन सिस्टम में अल्फा न्यूमेरिक डाटा (Alpha Numeric Data) है-

(a) वाक्य व पैराग्राफ

(b) नंबर और अल्फाबेटिक कैरेक्टर

(c) ग्राफिक और फिगर

(d) मानव ध्वनि और अन्य ध्वनियां

Ans. (b)

12. टपल (Tupple) क्या होता है-

(a) टेबल का कालम

(b) दो आयामी टेबल

(c) टेबल की एक रो

(d) टेबल की एक कुंजी

Ans. (c)

13. परस्पर संबंधित रिकॉर्ड के समूह को कहते हैं-

(a) युटिलिटी फाइल

(b) मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम

(c) डाटा बेस

(d) स्पेड शीट

Ans. (c)

14. कौन सा एक डेटाबेस मैनेजमेंट सॉफ्टवेयर नहीं है?

a) माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेस

b) द्रुपल

c) ओरेकल

d) MySQL

Answer: b) द्रुपल

15. निम्न में से कौन SQL कमांड्स डाटाबेस से तालिका मिटाने के लिए उपयोग किए जाते हैं?





Answer: b) DROP

16. What is a primary key in a relational database?

a) A key that uniquely identifies a table

b) A key used for encryption

c) A key used for sorting data

d) A key for creating relationships between tables

Answer: a) A key that uniquely identifies a table

17. Which SQL command is used to retrieve data from a database?





Answer: c) SELECT

18. Which normal form ensures that there are no partial dependencies in a relational database?

a) First Normal Form (1NF)

b) Second Normal Form (2NF)

c) Third Normal Form (3NF)

d) Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)

Answer: c) Third Normal Form (3NF)

19. What is the purpose of the SQL JOIN clause?

a) To filter data

b) To sort data

c) To combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column

d) To update data

Answer: c) To combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column

20. Which type of database model is suitable for representing hierarchical data structures?

a) Relational

b) Hierarchical

c) Network

d) Object-Oriented

Answer: b) Hierarchical

21. Which type of DBMS allows data to be stored in a flexible, schema-less format?

a) Relational DBMS

b) Hierarchical DBMS

c) Network DBMS

d) Document-Oriented DBMS

Answer: d) Document-Oriented DBMS

22. What is the primary purpose of a database index?

a) To store data

b) To enforce data integrity

c) To optimize query performance

d) To create relationships between tables

Answer: c) To optimize query performance

23. Which DBMS model represents data as a collection of tables?

a) Relational DBMS

b) Hierarchical DBMS

c) Network DBMS

d) Object-Oriented DBMS

Answer: a) Relational DBMS

24. Which DBMS model is based on the idea of objects and classes, similar to object-oriented programming?

a) Relational DBMS

b) Hierarchical DBMS

c) Network DBMS

d) Object-Oriented DBMS

Answer: d) Object-Oriented DBMS

25. What is the purpose of the SQL ORDER BY clause?

a) To filter data

b) To group data

c) To sort data in a specified order

d) To join tables

Answer: c) To sort data in a specified order

26. Which type of DBMS stores data in a tree-like structure with parent-child relationships?

a) Relational DBMS

b) Hierarchical DBMS

c) Network DBMS

d) Object-Oriented DBMS

Answer: b) Hierarchical DBMS

27. What is a trigger in a DBMS?

a) A user interface element

b) A stored procedure that is automatically executed in response to an event

c) A primary key

d) A foreign key

Answer: b) A stored procedure that is automatically executed in response to an event

28. Which SQL statement is used to add a new column to an existing table?





Answer: a) ALTER TABLE

29. What is the purpose of the SQL HAVING clause?

a) To filter data

b) To group data

c) To filter rows after grouping

d) To join tables

Answer: c) To filter rows after grouping

30. Which normal form eliminates transitive dependencies in a relational database?

a) First Normal Form (1NF)

b) Second Normal Form (2NF)

c) Third Normal Form (3NF)

d) Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)

Answer: d) Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)

31. What is a stored procedure in a DBMS?

a) A type of encryption

b) A type of data encoding

c) A pre-defined set of SQL statements that can be executed as a single unit

d) A foreign key

Answer: c) A pre-defined set of SQL statements that can be executed as a single unit

32. Which SQL command is used to remove all data from a table?





Answer: c) TRUNCATE

33. What is the purpose of the SQL UNION operator?

a) To perform a join between tables

b) To combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements

c) To group data

d) To filter data

Answer: b) To combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements

34. Which type of DBMS is designed for handling highly interconnected data, such as social networks?

a) Relational DBMS

b) Hierarchical DBMS

c) Network DBMS

d) Graph DBMS

Answer: d) Graph DBMS

35. What is the purpose of the SQL ROLLBACK statement?

a) To discard changes made during a transaction

b) To start a new transaction

c) To permanently save the changes made during a transaction

d) To create a new table

Answer: a) To discard changes made during a transaction

36. Which SQL command is used to change the structure of an existing table?





Answer: a) ALTER TABLE

37. What is data normalization in DBMS?

a) The process of encrypting data

b) The process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity

c) The process of sorting data

d) The process of creating relationships between tables

Answer: b) The process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity

38. Which SQL command is used to change the data in an existing table?





Answer: c) UPDATE

39. What is the purpose of the SQL DISTINCT keyword?

a) To filter data

b) To specify the order of the result set

c) To eliminate duplicate rows from the result set

d) To join tables

Answer: c) To eliminate duplicate rows from the result set

40. Which DBMS model uses a schema-less design and is highly scalable for handling large amounts of data?

a) Relational DBMS

b) Document-Oriented DBMS

c) Hierarchical DBMS

d) Network DBMS

Answer: b) Document-Oriented DBMS

41. In the context of a DBMS, what does the term “schema” refer to?

a) A type of data encryption

b) A graphical representation of data relationships

c) A logical design of the database that defines its structure and organization

d) A foreign key

Answer: c) A logical design of the database that defines its structure and organization

42. What is the purpose of the SQL IN operator?

a) To perform arithmetic operations

b) To filter data based on a list of values

c) To sort data

d) To create relationships between tables

Answer: b) To filter data based on a list of values

43. Which SQL statement is used to create a new table in a database?






44. What is the purpose of the SQL LIKE operator?

a) To filter data based on a pattern

b) To join tables

c) To group data

d) To sort data

Answer: a) To filter data based on a pattern

45. Which DBMS model allows data to be stored in a network-like structure with multiple parent and child relationships?

a) Relational DBMS

b) Hierarchical DBMS

c) Network DBMS

d) Object-Oriented DBMS

Answer: c) Network DBMS

46. What is the primary function of the SQL INNER JOIN clause?

a) To combine rows from two tables, including only the matching rows

b) To filter data

c) To group data

d) To sort data

Answer: a) To combine rows from two tables, including only the matching rows

47. What is the purpose of the SQL AVG() function?

a) To count the number of rows in a table

b) To calculate the average value of a numeric column

c) To find the maximum value in a column

d) To find the minimum value in a column

Answer: b) To calculate the average value of a numeric column

48. Which SQL statement is used to delete a table’s structure and data from a database?





Answer: b) DROP TABLE

49. What is the purpose of the SQL CASCADE keyword when defining foreign key constraints?

a) To restrict changes to the parent table

b) To update or delete related rows in child tables automatically when changes are made to the parent table

c) To enforce data integrity

d) To create a new table

Answer: b) To update or delete related rows in child tables automatically when changes are made to the parent table

50. What is a database view in a DBMS?

a) A physical storage location for data

b) A virtual table that is based on the result of a SELECT query

c) A data dictionary

d) A foreign key

Answer: b) A virtual table that is based on the result of a SELECT query

51. What is an ACID property in DBMS?

a) A chemical property

b) A set of properties that ensure database transactions are reliable

c) A type of data encoding

d) A type of encryption

Answer: b) A set of properties that ensure database transactions are reliable

52. Which SQL statement is used to add new data to a database table?





Answer: d) INSERT

53. Which DBMS component is responsible for enforcing data integrity rules?

a) Query Processor

b) Transaction Manager

c) Data Dictionary

d) Storage Manager

Answer: b) Transaction Manager

54. What is the purpose of the COMMIT statement in SQL?

a) To discard changes made during a transaction

b) To start a new transaction

c) To permanently save the changes made during a transaction

d) To roll back a transaction

Answer: c) To permanently save the changes made during a transaction

55. Which SQL command is used to delete data from a database table?





Answer: a) DELETE

56. In a relational database, what is a foreign key?

a) A key used for encryption

b) A key that uniquely identifies a table

c) A key for creating relationships between tables

d) A key used for sorting data

Answer: c) A key for creating relationships between tables

57. What is the purpose of the SQL WHERE clause?

a) To specify the order of the result set

b) To filter rows based on a specified condition

c) To join multiple tables

d) To update data

Answer: b) To filter rows based on a specified condition

58. Which DBMS model is designed for handling unstructured and semi-structured data?

a) Relational DBMS


c) Hierarchical DBMS

d) Network DBMS

Answer: b) NoSQL DBMS

59. What is the primary key used for in a relational database?

a) To establish relationships between tables

b) To ensure data integrity

c) To sort data

d) To encrypt data

Answer: b) To ensure data integrity

60. Which of the following is not a valid SQL data type?





Answer: b) STRING

61. Which SQL command is used to modify existing data in a database table?





Answer: b) UPDATE

62. What is the purpose of the SQL GROUP BY clause?

a) To filter data

b) To sort data

c) To group rows that have the same values into summary rows

d) To join tables

Answer: c) To group rows that have the same values into summary rows


उम्मीद है कि आपको यह लेख (DBMS MCQ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) जरूर पसंद आया होगा।

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